Your Pregnancy At Week 34

Weight: 2.1kg  Size: 45cm, Cantaloupe Melon  Weeks Left: 6
In a nutshell
Your bump will start to change shape
Leaky breasts are normal around this time
Lots of kicking in the ribs
Your cervix may have begun to dilate

Your Body at Week 34

Have you officially moved into the bathroom yet? This stage of pregnancy, your bladder is defiantly feeling the strain of your baby. Frequently needing to use the bathroom, is so common around this time, that I bet it feels like you never get out of it! This will only happen even more so in weeks to come as your baby prepares for birth and pushes more on your bladder.

If you are waking up in the middle of the night needing to use the bathroom, try not drinking fluids after a certain time and always make sure, you are using the bathroom before you go to bed.

Your Baby At Week 34 

If you are experiencing lots of kicks in the ribs this week, that means your baby is lying vertically or horizontally. However, most babies by 35 weeks are lying vertically in preparation for birth.


Week 34 TODO's

  1. Buy enough pads this week as you may be starting to leak as your baby starts to move its way down ready for labour.
  2. If you are struggling at work, letting your employer know that you are feeling this way may be the best thing and they may suggest starting your maternity leave earlier.
  3. Eating smaller meals throughout the day can help with improving your sleep. However, this may not be the case.
  4. Make sure this week your partner has packed their hospital bag.

Week 34 FAQ's

Product of the Week

Baby Art My Lovely Belly, Casting Kit For Pregnant Belly

£14.99 £14.99

The kit enables you to make a sculpture of your pregnant belly as a keepsake of your pregnancy

Boy & Girl Name of the Week

Gender: Male Origin: Latin Meaning: "Light"
Gender: Female Origin: French Meaning: "Wisdom"

Recipe of the Week

Chicken Satay Salad
BABYGO Recipe of the Week
4.5 / 5
25 mins
Serves 2
9 Ingreds


  • 1 tbsp tamari
  • Tsp medium curry powder
  • ¼ tsp ground cumin
  • 1 garlic clove, finely grated
  • 1 tsp clear honey
  • 2 chicken breasts
  • 1 tbsp crunchy peanut butter
  • 1 tbsp sweet chilli sauce
  • 1 tbsp lime juice
  • A drop of sunflower oil
  • 2 gem lettuce
  • ¼ cucumber
  • Coriander, chopped
  • Seeds from ½ pomegranate

Cooking Instructions

  1. Pour the tamari into a large dish and stir in the curry powder, cumin garlic and honey. Mix well.
  2. Cut the chicken breasts into strips then add the marinade and mix well to coat. Set aside to let the chicken marinate.
  3. Meanwhile, mix the peanut butter with the chilli sauce, lime juice and 1 tbsp of water to make a sauce.
  4. Add the chicken to a large non-stick frying pan, with a drop of oil. Cover with a lid and cook for 5-6 minutes on a medium heat. Once look set aside to rest for a few minutes.
  5. While the chicken rests, toss the lettuce with the cucumber, coriander and pomegranate seeds and pile onto a plate. Spoon over a little sauce and place the chicken on top and pour over the remaining sauce.

See what else you can expect in the pregnancy calendar

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